
Read Faster with greater Understanding.

What could you do if you saved yourself 8 hours a week ? Imagine that all day friday freed up to get on top of all those jobs in the to do list….

Many delegates find that they dramatically improve their productivity, some of our delegates estimate that the course will save them as much as 1 whole day per week in productivity. A real benefit to the business and to the individual.

Over the last 30 years this course has seen hundreds of delegates benefit greatly from learning the techniques and skills to be able read faster whilst at the same time improve their understanding of what they have written.

No matter where your base level is we will teach you how to improve.


We are delighted to announce a new App is available in the play store

Read Faster App helps develop the tiny sets of muscles that move your eyes, in short you need to develop those muscles if you are to physically be able to scan text faster.

Try for free then the rest of the modules are available for only £1.99

Available through Google Play.

Professional Development

In today’s world we are all being inundated by reading matter, some of it really important and some not so!

The Read Faster Course explores a range of issues that make reading more of a challenge for us all and offers learning skills to be able to read more effectively:

  • Understanding the mechanics of reading
  • Overcoming the issues that prevent effective reading
  • Training your eyes to read faster
  • Understanding more of what’s written (first time)

The nett result is a marked increase in your ability to read faster (wherever your starting point) and at the same time retaining more of the key information when you read it.

Next Steps…

In the first instance let’s chat about how we can help you, whether as an individual or as a corporate or local authority agency

Telephone         07929 999 802

Email                  [email protected]