Reading In Groups
The purpose of this drill is to discipline
the little muscles that move the eyes from left to right.
Incorrect habits of reading have frequently caused
these muscles to behave in an undisciplined
and inefficient manner. Try to make your eyes march ahead
in three rhythmic leaps across the line.
Try to feel the tiny tug of these six
little muscles that move each eye. You will note
that some phrases are short others are longer.
This is done intentionally. The amount
of line width that various people can see, differs
with the individual. In these exercises try to group
as one eyeful all the words in the unit;
look at a point just about midway in each group.
At times you will feel as though the field
of your vision is being stretched. So much the better!
At other times the phrase will be too short.
We shall strive for wider and wider units as we proceed.
In that way your eyes will grasp more and more
at a glance. Read this exercise two or three times.
Try always to cut down on the time that it took you
to read it each preceding time. You will soon get
the knack of it. Do not let your eyes “skip”
or “slide” when you look at a phrase.
Look at it “amidships”. Give it a strong,
fleeting glance. See it all in one look;
then be off to see the next and the next,
and so on to the very end of the exercise.
And now, how long did it take you
to read this? Put each of your times in the area below.
1. 2. 3.